"...After analyzing hospitalization records from 1997 to 2014 in 27 states, nine of which legalized medical marijuana within that timeframe, researchers from the University of California San Diego found hospitalization rates of people suffering from painkiller abuse and addiction dropped on average 23 percent in states that offered medical marijuana. Opioid overdose cases at hospitals in states with legal weed also dropped by an average of 13 percent, the study said.The study, which was released in the Drug and Alcohol Dependence report, said the findings prove that fears of legal marijuana driving hospitalizations upward were unsubstantiated..." Ucenter Dress not expensive prom formal gowns below 100
Despite the skeptics, legal marijuana is having a positive impact on the opioid crisis
In marijuana-legal states, the number of people receiving hospital treatment for opioid overdoses dropped by 13 percent, the study said.newsweek.com